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How to write an A+ research paper

This article lists some of the stages involved in writing a library-based research paper. Although this list suggests that there is a simple, linear process to writing such a paper, the actual process of writing a research paper is often

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Posted in Communication, Editing, Education, Impact Factor, Interdisciplinary research, Journal article, Journal Selection, Manuscript format, Medical Communication, Medical Writing, Peer Review, Science, Scientific editing, Scientific writing, Writing

What is open peer review?

History of traditional (closed) peer review Even though scientific publishing has been around since the 17th century, formal peer review of submitted articles by external academics is relatively new. The journals Science and JAMA, for example, introduced formal peer review in the 1940s,

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Posted in Communication, Education, Peer Review, Peer-reviewed Journal

Writing the first draft of your science paper — some dos and don’ts

Four steps to preparing your first draft Here is the process I use: Think about the topic you want to present, for some days or weeks. Make figures and tables. Then write as quickly as possible, as if thinking out

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Posted in Case report, Communication, Impact Factor, Journal article, Journal Selection, Manuscript format, Medical Writing, Scientific writing, Writing

Presubmittal peer review for high-impact research

In more collegial, less competitive times researchers used pre-submission peer review to obtain frank, constructive feedback from trusted colleagues before sending their manuscript to a journal. But pre-submission review now appears to be rare in the current publish-or-perish environment. Journal-managed

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Posted in Journal article, Peer Review, Peer-reviewed Journal, Scientific editing

Post publication peer-review: Everything stays, and changes the same

In the early days of scientific societies (i.e. the 17th century), scientists would share their experimental results with each other at meetings, and receive feedback about their experiments in person.  (The scientific journal wasn’t invented until later.)  As the scientific

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Posted in Communication, Education, Open access, Peer Review, Review article, Science, Science and Technology, Scientific editing, Scientific Journal

Finishing your PhD thesis: 15 top tips from those in the know

Many PhD students are now in the final throes of writing their thesis. Turning years of research into a single, coherent piece of work can be tough, so we asked for tips from supervisors and recent PhD graduates. Below is a

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The inexorable rise of open access scientific publishing

A new study shows that the rise of open access publishing of academic research is faster than anyone had previously realized. Before 2000 the vast majority of research papers were published in journals that could only be read by academics if

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Posted in Communication, Journal article, Open access, Peer-reviewed Journal, Science, Science and Technology, Scientific Journal
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Top 8 tips help you to turn your PhD thesis into an article - Many first-time authors use the research...

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